LMT  Resource, LLC
Phone:  727 512-6103    Email:  LMTresource@aol.com


Touch for Health Level II

16 CEUs

NATIONAL CAT # 050467-00
BOC #P8568
ACHB #947
CEP #13015

Fl Approved 20-10919 

In this workshop you will review the Touch for Health I skills and learn to utilize circuit locating to quickly determine proper correction. Discover how Spindle Cell and Golgi Tendon Apparatus techniques can reset muscles. Learn how to strengthen muscles with Acu-Pressure Holding Points. Learn how to maintain abdominal muscle strength. Find “over” energy in the body using Alarm Points. See patterns of energy imbalance using the Meridian Wheel Balance. Learn the theory of the Five Elements. Save time balancing, using the One Point Correction technique. Help your clients with jet lag, insomnia, shift work or time change using Time of Day Balance. The Food Sensitivity Training will show how foods can enhance or deplete the body’s energy. Learn how the Cross Crawl Integration Exercise can benefit those with learning difficulties, co-ordination problems, persistent weak muscles or weakness dominant to one side.

The tools you will learn to work with are: 

The Law of Five Elements

Circuit locating

TFH II Balancing Methods

Spindle Cells

Golgi Tendon Apparatus

Acupressure Holding Points

Cerebrospinal Technique

Yin / Yang Concept

Alarm Points for Over Energy

Meridian Wheel Balancing

Beaver Dam

Triangle and Squares

Midday / Midnight Law

The theory and practice of Five Elements

One Point Correction


Meridian Massage

Meridian Walking for Recent Pain

Food Sensitivity Mode

Simple Pain Techniques

Cross Crawl Integration Exercise


14 Muscles & Their Meridians

Anterior Neck Flexors}             Stomach

Brachioradialis                         Stomach
Middle & Lower Trapezius       Spleen

Rectus Abdominis                    Small Intestine

Sacrospinalis                           Bladder

Iliacus                                       Kidney

Piriformis                                  Circulation Sex

Adductors                                 Circulation Sex

Sartorius                                   Triple Warmer

Popliteus                                   Gallbladder

Rhomboids                                Liver

Deltoids                                     Lung

Quadratus Lumborum               Large Intestine


Benefits to you:

Perfecting your muscle testing skills

Corrections work with less strain on you & your clients

Broader client base

More referrals

More income


2 Day Class 

Both Days   9am – 6pm
Tuition $295 - $275 if registered 21 days prior to class
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and personalized group workshops